Author: Farid Al Bahraini
Publisher: Dar Al Arqam
Pages: 111
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 978-1-8384897-4-8
About the book:
Imagine a religion in which its adherents openly reject every saying, action, and event surrounding their Prophet ﷺ . It is a Qur’anist’s reality. What exactly would lead to this stance, this scepticism, towards hadith? What would cause a Muslim to reject the teachings of the Prophet that he adores?’ Everything about Islam is questionable without hadiths. What exactly do we know about the Prophet of Islam without hadiths? Never mind his biography, we can’t even ascertain his identity. The Qur’an only identifies him as Muhammad (Q. 3:144).
This book is directed to hadith-rejecters, to Muslims in general that are on the fence, as well as to conservative Muslims that seek to reaffirm their stance in regards to the authority of hadiths.
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