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Al-Qur’an – Muhammad Farooq-e-Azam Malik

(11 customer reviews)
Item Code: 1039

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Translator: Muhammad Farooq-e-Azam Malik
Publisher: Institute of Islamic Knowledge
Pages: 976
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN:  0-911119-80-9

Description from the Publisher:
This is a contemporary English translation of the Quran, thoroughly reviewed and re-reviewed. It is a well-accepted translation.

This exceptional translation of the Holy Quran presents the Divine Message in contemporary English, making it accessible to readers of all backgrounds. With an emphasis on clarity and comprehension, this translation has been meticulously reviewed and refined through extensive field testing. Designed to facilitate a deeper understanding, this edition removes barriers to comprehension by integrating explanations directly into the text using italicized formatting.

Unlike traditional translations, which often rely on footnotes and commentaries, this edition ensures that readers can grasp the full meaning of the Quranic message without constant reference to external notes. Each Surah is introduced with an insightful outline, covering its historical background, major themes, and key divine guidance.

Key Features

Field-Tested for Clarity – This translation was rigorously tested among Muslim and non-Muslim students to ensure that the meaning was accurately conveyed. Continuous refinements were made until the intended message of each verse was clearly understood.

Verified for Accuracy – The translation was cross-referenced with 15 well-known Quranic translations and tafsir works, ensuring linguistic and theological precision. Scholars from Al-Azhar, Umm Al-Qura University, and other prestigious institutions reviewed the work for authenticity.

Easy to Understand – Written in simple and direct language, making it accessible to both scholars and everyday readers.

Integrated Explanations – Essential clarifications are included directly within the text in italics, eliminating the need for footnotes and external commentaries.

Historical and Contextual Insights – Each Surah includes background information, themes, and divine instructions to help readers grasp the full scope of the message.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How is this translation different from others?
A: Unlike conventional translations that rely heavily on footnotes, this edition integrates necessary explanations directly into the text using italic formatting, ensuring clarity and ease of reading.

Q: Is this translation suitable for non-Muslims?
A: Absolutely! This translation was field-tested with both Muslims and non-Muslims, ensuring that the meaning of the Quran is conveyed clearly to those unfamiliar with Islamic teachings.

Q: Has this translation been reviewed by scholars?
A: Yes. It has undergone extensive scholarly review and has been endorsed by institutions such as Al-Azhar University, Umm Al-Qura University, and Rabita Al-Alame Islami.

Q: Does this edition include Tafseer (commentary)?
A: While it does not contain a separate tafsir, it incorporates necessary explanations within the translation itself, making it self-explanatory without requiring additional commentary.

Q: What sources were used in the translation process?
A: The translation was cross-referenced with 15 well-known translations and tafsir sources, as well as multiple Arabic-English and Arabic-Urdu dictionaries, ensuring linguistic and theological accuracy.

Below find more information on this translation:

  1. Field Testing the Communication of Divine Message
    The unique feature of this translation is it’s field-testing for over 3 1/2 years to improve the communication and understanding of the Divine Message. Translation passages were given to the New Muslim and Non-Muslim high school and college students for reading under the supervision of various Ulema. After reading, the person was asked to explain what he/she understood from the passage. If his/her understanding was the same as is in the Arabic Text of the Holy Qur’an then we concluded that we have been successful in conveying the Divine Message properly. If his/her understanding was different than what the Qur’anic verses were stating, we kept on rewording the translation until those verses were understood properly. It was tremendous patience on part of the participants. May Allah reward them all.
  2. Language Dictionaries
    During translation the following Arabic Urdu and Arabic English Dictionaries were used to arrive at the most accurate meanings:
  • Vocabulary of the Holy Qur’an by Abdullah Abbas Nadwi.
  • Lughatul Qur’an – Arabic & Urdu – by Abdul Karim Parekh.
  • Elias Modern Dictionary – Arabic English – by Elias & Edward E. Elias.
  • Mutalab-i-Qur’an by Yaqoob Sarosh.
  • Lughat-ul Munjid – Arabic & Urdu – by A Group of Ten Ulema.
  1. Verification of Accuracy
    After translating each verse of the Holy Qur’an it was verified for accuracy of Divine Message through the research of the following 15 translations:
  • Translation and Commentary of The Holy Qur’an by Abdullah Yusuf Ali.
  • The Meaning of the Glorious Koran by Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall.
  • Tafheem-ul-Qur’an by Syed Abul A’la Maududi.
  • Tafseer Ibn Katheer by Allama Ibn-i-Katheer Damishki
  • Mufridat-ul-Qur’an by Imam Raghib Asfahani.
  • Al-Qur’an Al-Karim by Shabbir Ahmed Usmani.
  • The Message of The Qur’an by Muhammad Asad.
  • Interpretation of the meaning of The Noble Qur’an by Muhammad Taqi-ud Din Al-Hilali & Muhammad Mohsin Khan.
  • English Translation of The Qur’an by M. H. Shakir.
  • The Koran translation with notes by N. J. Dawood.
  • Translation and Commentary of the Holy Qur’an by Abdul Majid Daryabadi.
  • The Qur’an translation and commentary by T. B. Irving.
  • Dars-i-Qur’an by Dars-i-Qur’an Board of Idara-i-Islaho Tabligh.
  • Asan Tarjumah of Qur’an Majeed by Hafiz Nazar Ahmed.
  • Tadrees Lughatul Qur’an by Abu Masood Hasan Alwi.
  1. Sources of The Prophet’s Biography
    In tabulating the Biography and Mission of the Holy Prophet following sources were used:
  • Life of the Prophet by Ibn Khaldun.
  • History of Islam by Prof. Masudul Hasan.
  • Seerat Sarwar-e-Alam by Syed Abul A’la Maududi.
  • Seerat-un-Nabi by Allama Shibli Nu’mani & Allama Sayed Sulaiman Nadwi.
  1. Computer Help through Thesaurus, Spelling and Grammar Check
    In typing on the computer and for cross-reference and research ‘Alim’ software was used along with Word Perfect, Page maker and Microsoft Word’s Dictionary, Thesaurus, Spelling and Grammar Check. This method provided the tool to access verities of words for use in the translation. This computer age technology was not available to prior translators; therefore, they had to depend on their own vocabulary of words and manual consultation of the English Dictionary.
  1. Compatibility
    This translation is compatible and ready to be adopted into CD ROM and INTERNET Super Communication Highway. Presently it is being formatted for Internet and Insha Allah soon it will be available to the whole world.
  1. Simplicity
    In this translation, simple language and direct approach are used for appealing to the common sense of scholars and common people. 
  1. Understandability
    There are no footnotes to refer and no commentary or lengthy explanations to read. All necessary explanations have been incorporated right there in the text with italic type setting to differentiate from the translation of the meanings of Qur’anic Arabic Text. 
  1. Outline of Pertinent Information
    Before the start of each Sürah, information relating to its Period of Revelation, Major Issues, Divine Laws and Guidance have been presented as an outline. Then a summary of the preceding events has been tabulated for the reader to understand the historical background to grasp the full meaning of the Divine Message. 
  1. Reviews, Input and Approvals
    This project was started in 1991 and initial draft completed in 1994. Then the Translation was sent to different Ulema in Town and throughout the United States for their review and input. After their reviews and input it was sent to Jćme Al-Azhar Al-Sharif in Egypt, Ummal Qurć in Saudi Arabia and International Islamic University in Pakistan for their review, input and approval. After their reviews it was published in 1997. It has also been reviewed by Rabita Al-‘Alame-Islami and in-depth reviews and editing have also been done by Dr. Abdul Majeed Al-‘Ubaidi, Abdul Razzaq Abdul Majeed and Muhammad Luqman As-Salfi from the Department of Education, Ifta, Da‘wah and Irshad, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. at the directions of Fadeelat Sheikh Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah Bin Muhammad Āle Al-Sheikh, Grand Mufti, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Dr. Sāleh Bin Abdullah Al-‘Ubūd of Islamic University at Madinah-tul-Munawwarah, Sheikh Dr. Ali Bin Muhammad Nasir Faqeehi and Dr. V. Abdur Rahim of King Fahd Qur’an Printing Complex at Madinah-tul-Munawwarah.

About the Translator:
Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam Malik

B.A. Honors – Economics, Islamiat and Arabic Language – 1963
LL.B. – Islamic Law (Shari’ah) -1965
M.A. – Economics – 1966.
M.B.A. – Accounting, Auditing and Business Law – 1975
Ph.D. – Business Administration – 1983

Worked as a Professor for 3 years, as an Attorney for 5 years, Audit Management for 18 years in a major U.S. Corporation and now he has dedicated his life for conveying the Message of Allah. He is serving as a Chairman, Board of Trustees and Dean of the Institute of Islamic Knowledge, an Institution dedicated in the development of authentic Islamic Knowledge and its distribution.

ISLAMIC WORK – Fee-Sabee-Lillah
During his residence in Pakistan he started an organization called Anjaman-e-Islâh-e-Muâshra (Social Welfare Society – 1959) to reform Aqeedah and fight against the un-Islamic local customs. This organization worked in all the surrounding villages and was successful in achieving most of its objectives. He also started Tarjama-tul-Qur’an (Translation of the Holy Qur’an- 1963) sessions at various Masâjid.

During his residence in New York he started Dars-e-Qur’an (Qur’anic Study Sessions – 1970) at Bronx and Manhattan. Al-Hamdulillah, most of his Dars-e-Qur’an participants are the founding members of different Islamic Centers. He is among the pioneers of Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA).

After moving to Houston in 1975 he was elected three times (6 years) as a Treasurer of the Islamic Society of Greater Houston (ISGH). As treasurer, he organized Accounting and Check-o-Matic systems. He was then elected twice as the Director of Religious Affairs and one time as the Director of Education (6 years). In these positions he organized the Zonal system of ISGH for children’s Islamic Education and Qur’anic Tajweed. Then he was elected as the President of ISGH (2 years). In that position he lead the community in buying the Zonal facilities at the North, Southwest, Southeast, Northwest and Bear Creek areas and putting these facilities in Owqâf (Trust) with North American Islamic Trust (NAIT). He also accomplished the amendments to the ISGH Constitution and Bylaws for the future unlimited growth of the Muslim Community in Greater Houston area. He also served as Chairman of the Planning and Administration and Vice President of the ISGH for 8 years and currently he is serving in its Khateebs and Publications Committees. He is a founding member of the Islamic Education Institute of Texas (IEIT) and the Institute of Islamic Knowledge (IIK).

At the National Level he has worked as Vice Chairman of the Islamic Coordinating Committee (ICC) and has been a member of the Board of Advisers and currently is a member of the Board of Trustees of North American Islamic Trust (NAIT).

About the Publisher:
The Aims and Objectives of the Institute of Islamic Knowledge (IIK) are:

1. To promote Islamic knowledge based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad,, as a final testimony and source of all guidance for mankind.
2. To create a better understanding of Islam among Muslims and non-Muslims through education and communication.
3. To research and develop Islamic literature, helpful to the Muslims in living their daily lives in accordance with Islamic Shari’ah i.e. Qur’an and Sunnah.
4. To publish books and other literature about Islam and its teachings based on Objective #1 stated above.
5. To prepare the Islamic Correspondence courses and help hundreds of Muslims who are unable to attend Islamic study sessions offered by various religious organizations and thousands of children who are unable to attend regular or weekend Islamic Schools.
6. To disseminate Islamic knowledge and the Message of Islam to as wide an audience as possible through TV, Radio, Video, Audio and other means of mass communications.
7. To cooperate with other societies, foundations and organizations whose aims and objectives are similar to that of the Institute.

This translation is available online at http://www.al-quraan.org/v/vspfiles/view/

Easy English Quran Translation

Based on 11 reviews

5.0 overall

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  1. Avatar of Obaid Fahad Aziz

    Obaid Fahad Aziz

    Loved this Quran!!

    Obaid Fahad Aziz

  2. Avatar of Adnan


    One of the best exposition of the Holy Quran in the English language. Comprehensively researched and well written with superb choice of words to simplify understanding without compromising the magnificence and grandeur of its essence. Well organized layout containing concise and helpful additional reference material to improve comprehension. Very much worth the purchase.


  3. Avatar of Oneza

    Oneza (verified owner)

    Having lived abroad most of life, my understanding of Urdu Language is weak. The Urdu dialect and language composition that is used in translations of the verses was always a challenge for me. Even though I tried, verbosity made it difficult for me to comprehend anything. My elder sisters gifted me this English translation and this was the most beautiful gift they could have ever given.
    This Noble and Magnificent Holy Quran touched my heart because those who compiled it gave it a lot of thought. The Quran begins giving us a brief on the Seerah of the Holy Prophet PBUH and highlights the major events in his life and teachings that he left for us. Not only this, but this Holy Quran also highlights the articles of faith and their importance and gives a guide on how to read the Holy Quran. The glossary for Arabic words also helps believers and those seeking guidance understand the Arabic notations and context of the words in the verses.
    The table of contents presents a synopsis of each Surah and each Surah begins with a brief epilogue where the revelation status, circumstances of revelation and the key message for Muslims in the Surah is highlighted. This aspect builds a story in the minds of the believers seeking guidance and the simple English language dialect gives us a clear understanding of what the meaning the verses convey. Additionally, the subject index makes it easier for believers to look up topics of interest and seek guidance.

    This is simply the best English Translation version, even for children. My colleagues loved the simplicity it so much that I had to order one for them too!

    May Allah SWT reward those who aided in its compilation and give guidance to those who seek, Ameen.


  4. Avatar of Zulfiqar Ali

    Zulfiqar Ali

    This is a must-have for all young people and students out there especially who are struggling to understand the Quran in a simple yet effective and explained way. The translation and intro to every surah, the points of attention to every surah and some details are summarized in a very beautiful and simple way.

    Zulfiqar Ali

  5. Avatar of Ghulam yasin

    Ghulam yasin (verified owner)

    For anyone who wants a simple, precise but a well-explained translation, this one is surely the best choice! It’s easy to read and undertsand.

    Ghulam yasin

  6. Avatar of A


    I didn’t know how detailed it was until I went through it. Perfect for a beginner. Highly recommended。


  7. Avatar of Walija Sultana

    Walija Sultana

    Loved the care with which it was delivered. Excellent translation as well. Thank you so much!

    Walija Sultana

  8. Avatar of Jamaliah Jamil

    Jamaliah Jamil

    The Noble Quran is the only genuine source of all sort of seen and unseen knowledge.

    Jamaliah Jamil

  9. Avatar of fairmawlove

    fairmawlove (verified owner)

    Best book for my soul… All the translated verses are simplified in this book.. Quran is now more open for me, to explore it, to understand it.


  10. Avatar of Ammar Awais

    Ammar Awais

    A fine translation of the Quran in modern English. Its standout feature is the Surah introductions that beautifully summarize the content and acquaint the reader with each Surah. Paper quality is good and font size is appropriate.

    Ammar Awais

  11. Avatar of Abdul Saleem Malik

    Abdul Saleem Malik

    Excellent translation of the meanings of Al-Quran.

    Abdul Saleem Malik

Weight 1.35 kg
Dimensions 17 x 24 x 4 cm