
Item Code: 598

450 PKR


Author:  Abdul Malik Al-Qasim
Publisher:  Darussalam Publishers & Distributors
Pages:  40
Binding:  Softcover
ISBN:  9960717569

About the Booklet: Slander and backbiting has been condemned by the Noble Qur’an which compares the act of carrying tales to that of carrying wood. The allegory is superb. Just as wood spreads fire, so does backbiting which ignites passions, creates ill-will, and foments hatred. There are several Verses in the Noble Qur’an denouncing the tendency to evil talk: “A slanderer going about with calumnies.” (68:11) “Not a word does he utter but there is a watcher by him ready (to record it).” (50:18) “Woe to every slanderer and backbiter.” (104:1) The Arabic word for slandering is Nameemah, referred to as the act of carrying tales from one person to another. However, Nameemah is much more than this. It also includes disclosure of information, whether oral, written, or symbolic expression, calculated to tarnish a person’s image. This and other aspects of Nameemah have been highlighted in this small book. The publication is yet one more in the series of small books brought out by Darussalam Publishers and Distributors to educate the people on the Islamic values by discussing issues that have a bearing on our day-to-day conduct. In this regard, Darussalam has published many books on various topics which include religious fundamentals, Islamic guidelines, monotheism, implication of the Sunnah and the creed factors. Some books have been prepared in the form of easy questions and answers so that every reader, be he a child or an adult, a well-learned or a person with little education, may understand it without any difficulty. On day-to-day problems, the most popular series of books published by Darussalam is Fatawa presentations. Up till now we have published Fatawa on Fasting, Zakat & Taraweeh, and Islamic Fatawa regarding women. More books of this series are under printing in other languages also besides the English language. We invite the readers to thoroughly study the books published by Darussalam, and send their reviews, comments and suggestion to us so that we may be able to improve the publications produced by us. We hope that this publication will appeal to both Muslims and non-Muslims. Through this, they will get an idea of the importance that Islam attaches to the need for right conduct, which leads to right action. May Allah the Almighty guide us on the right path. Ameen!

Abdul Malik Mujahid
Managing Director, Darussalam

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