Stories From Islamic History

Item Code: 3119

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Author: Sayyed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi
Publisher: UK Islamic Academy
Pages: 77
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 1-872531-14-8

About the Book: This book introduces children to Muslims whose exemplary behaviour earned them a place in the annals of our heritage. Each story highlights an occasion when a person of outstanding character stood up for his faith in Allah. Some tales are from the Seerah while others depict Caliphs, sahabah, martyrs and other pious Muslims. Accounts often focus on critical moments in their lives when they chose to follow the Straight Path rather than take an easier way. These personalities became role models for all time when they adhered to the same Islamic principles that govern our lives today.

About the Author: Sayyed Abul Hasan ‘Ali Nadwi (1914 – 1999) was one of the leading Muslim scholars of our time. He hailed from a family which has produced such illustrious figures as Sayyed Ahmad Shaheed (1786-1831). He was the Rector of Nadwatul ‘Ulama, Lucknow; Chairman, Managing Committee, Darul Musannifin (Shibli Academy); Azamgarh, India, Member of the Academy of Arts and Letters, Damascus, and the Higher Council of the Islamic Universities, Rabat and of the Academy of Arabic Language, Oman. He was a Founder Member of the Constituent Council of the Muslim World League, Makkah and Chairman of the Oxford Centre of Islamic Studies, Oxford UK. He received the King Faisal Award and numerous other awards from national and international bodies for his services to the cause of Islam. He was a powerful, eloquent writer and orator, both in Urdu and Arabic. His works in both these languages are numerous; many have been translated into English: among them are Islam and the World; Muslims: Beliefs, Customs and Traditions; Stories of the Prophets; Muhammad the Last Prophet, Shaikh ul-Islam Ibn Taimiyah (Taymiyyah) Life and Achievements, Studying the Glorious Qur’an; Stories from Islamic History; A Starlight View of Islam’s Past and The Minaret Speaks.

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