Author: Dr Hashim Y Al Mallah
Publisher: Dar Al Kotob Al Ilmiyah
Pages: 256
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-2-7451-5960-1
About the Book: A comprehensive analysis of Islam’s system of government vis a vis the modern ideas. Dr. Hashim Al-Mallah was professor of Islamic history in the College of Arts, University of Mosul, Iraq.
Table of Contents:
CH I The Establishment of the Islamic State
1. The conditions of Arabia before Islam
2. Islam in the Makkan Period
3. Islamic view of the Maccan Period
4. The Madinan Period
5. Did the Prophet establish a state?
6. A comparison between the establishment of the Islamic State and the theories of the foundation of the state
CH II Sovereignty and Authority
1. The concept of sovereignty
2. Sovereignty in Islam
3. Opponents of the concept of sovereignty
4. Authority
5. Islamic Authority
6. Islamic Authority in practice
CH III The Public Authority
1. Legislative authority
2. Executive Authority
3. Judicial Power
CH IV Relations between the Powers and the Forms of Government
1. Relations between the powers
2. The relations between powers in the Islamic state
3. The forms of government
4. The form of the Prophet’s government
CH V Governments and the Rights of Equality and Justice
1. The right of equality
2. The right of liberty
3. The Islamic state and the rights of individuals
4. The right of equality in Islam
5. The right of liberty in Islam
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